This post will show how to use the RSelenium package to scrape your own github account to retrieve all that fun traffic data of clones and visits and create a single traffic plot for your account.
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Regular Expression Searching within Shiny Selectize Objects
regexSelect is a small package that uses Shiny modules to solve a problem in Shiny selectize objects - regular expression (regex) searching. You can quickly filter the values in the selectize object, while being able to add that new regex query to the selectize list.
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What is the appropriate population scaling of the Affordable Care Act Funding?
Analysis of the effects of the Graham-Cassidy Bill on the ACA population
I have been trying to decipher for myself, what is in the current (well, yesterday’s) Graham-Cassidy health care bill. I saw this image on many news outlets a few days ago and my inner hate for pie charts bubbled up.
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Automating roxygen2 package documentation
Take the mystery out of CRAN level package maintenance
Thinking of creating a new package? Dread the task of function documentation? Afraid to run devtools::check(build_args = '--as-cran') and get bombarded by Errors, Warnings, and Notes (oh my!) ? Wait…. breathe!
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a R Package to create self-populating roxygen2 skeletons
Sinew is a R package that generates a Roxygen skeleton populated with information scraped from the function script.
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