This output is created by covrpage.


Coverage summary is created using the covr package.

Object Coverage (%)
shredder 74.51
R/rats_example.R 0.00
R/complete.R 12.50
R/zzz.R 50.00
R/stan_thin.R 57.14
R/utils.R 66.67
R/stan_names.R 80.00
R/stan_retain.R 91.30
R/stan_select.R 92.31
R/stan_slice.R 93.94
R/stan_filter.R 96.23
R/partials.R 100.00
R/stan_axe.R 100.00
R/stan_utils.R 100.00

Unit Tests

Unit Test summary is created using the testthat package.

file n time error failed skipped warning
test-axe.R 2 0.016 0 0 0 0
test-filter.R 7 0.209 0 0 0 0
test-names.R 2 0.003 0 0 0 0
test-retain.R 6 0.376 0 0 0 0
test-sampling.R 7 0.257 0 0 0 0
test-select.R 15 0.368 0 0 0 0
test-slice.R 5 0.328 0 0 0 0

Show Detailed Test Results

file context test status n time
test-axe.R axe axe elements: no fit_instance PASS 1 0.015
test-axe.R axe axe elements: no stanmodel PASS 1 0.001
test-filter.R filter filters: default PASS 1 0.021
test-filter.R filter filters: not permuted PASS 1 0.020
test-filter.R filter filters: not permuted PASS 1 0.011
test-filter.R filter filters: indexed name PASS 1 0.011
test-filter.R filter filters: compound query PASS 1 0.009
test-filter.R filter filters: no samples PASS 1 0.007
test-filter.R filter filters: invalid pars PASS 1 0.130
test-names.R names names: default PASS 1 0.002
test-names.R names names: expand PASS 1 0.001
test-retain.R retain retain: default PASS 1 0.003
test-retain.R retain retain: null PASS 1 0.353
test-retain.R retain retain: single PASS 1 0.002
test-retain.R retain retain: multiple PASS 1 0.001
test-retain.R retain retain: all PASS 1 0.001
test-retain.R retain retain: bad PASS 1 0.016
test-sampling.R sampling slice: default PASS 1 0.232
test-sampling.R sampling slice: no warmup PASS 1 0.003
test-sampling.R sampling slice: bad indexs PASS 2 0.008
test-sampling.R sampling thinning: thin_n PASS 1 0.005
test-sampling.R sampling thinning: thin_frac PASS 1 0.005
test-sampling.R sampling thinning: no warmup PASS 1 0.004
test-select.R select names: no pars PASS 1 0.003
test-select.R select names: single par PASS 1 0.002
test-select.R select names: multiple pars PASS 1 0.002
test-select.R select names: par index PASS 1 0.002
test-select.R select names: character par PASS 1 0.002
test-select.R select names: character par syms PASS 1 0.003
test-select.R select names: regex character pars PASS 1 0.003
test-select.R select names: remove summary PASS 1 0.336
test-select.R select partials: no pars PASS 1 0.002
test-select.R select partials: starts_with PASS 1 0.002
test-select.R select partials: ends_with PASS 1 0.002
test-select.R select partials: starts_contains PASS 1 0.003
test-select.R select partials: mixed PASS 1 0.002
test-select.R select partials: par regex index PASS 1 0.002
test-select.R select partials: par regex multiple index PASS 1 0.002
test-slice.R slice slice: empty PASS 1 0.312
test-slice.R slice slice: single PASS 1 0.004
test-slice.R slice slice: single no warmup PASS 1 0.003
test-slice.R slice slice: vector PASS 1 0.004
test-slice.R slice slice: reset permut PASS 1 0.005

Session Info

Field Value
Version R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running macOS Catalina 10.15.6
Language en_US
Timezone UTC
Package Version
testthat 2.3.2
covr 3.3.2
covrpage 0.0.71