The suggested workflow for sinew is an extension of the alternative documentation workflow described in the R packages book by Hadley Wickham.

Initial Package Build

  1. Create a _sinewconfig.yml file in package/project root folder. Set any persistent definitions such as author name and default fields to be generated for all functions.
  2. Develop R script for the package using proper namespacing definitions, i.e. package::function, or use sinew::pretty_namespace. Focus only on the function and package logic.
  3. Run sinew::makeOxygen (single file) or sinew::makeOxyFile (directory) to create skeletons. It is suggested to use the styler package beforehand to have ensure proper R script syntax conventions.
  4. Fill in the relevant descriptions and examples. Run sinew::make_import to create the correct Imports in the DESCRIPTION file.
  5. Build the Package

Package Maintenance

  1. Update functions as needed
  2. Run sinew::moga on updated functions
  3. Fill in the relevant descriptions and examples.
  4. If needed run sinew::make_import to create the correct Imports in the DESCRIPTION file.
  5. Build the Package