Useful for supplying packages to the force
argument to pretty_namespace
packages to include in list. When duplicate function names exist the order of packages determines which function will be selected first - IE the first package with the function name will include that function, the second package with the function name will not have it listed.
(named list)
with package names as names as all exports as a character vector
#> $utils
#> [1] "write.socket"
#> [2] "fixInNamespace"
#> [3] "changedFiles"
#> [4] "history"
#> [5] "SweaveHooks"
#> [6] "packageDate"
#> [7] "installed.packages"
#> [8] "citEntry"
#> [9] "as.roman"
#> [10] "suppressForeignCheck"
#> [11] "aregexec"
#> [12] "txtProgressBar"
#> [13] "strcapture"
#> [14] "xemacs"
#> [15] "rtags"
#> [16] "as.person"
#> [17] "maintainer"
#> [18] "aspell"
#> [19] ""
#> [20] "capture.output"
#> [21] "remhash"
#> [22] "assignInMyNamespace"
#> [23] "aspell_package_vignettes"
#> [24] "memory.limit"
#> [25] "person"
#> [26] "ls.str"
#> [27] "read.delim2"
#> [28] "RweaveLatexWritedoc"
#> [29] "hasName"
#> [30] "getTxtProgressBar"
#> [31] "news"
#> [32] "typhash"
#> [33] "read.csv"
#> [34] "RSiteSearch"
#> [35] "debugger"
#> [36] "demo"
#> [37] "isS3stdGeneric"
#> [38] "Sweave"
#> [39] "nsl"
#> [40] "modifyList"
#> [41] "promptData"
#> [42] "help.request"
#> [43] "alarm"
#> [44] "promptImport"
#> [45] "close.socket"
#> [46] "read.csv2"
#> [47] "zip"
#> [48] "hsearch_db_concepts"
#> [49] "assignInNamespace"
#> [50] "askYesNo"
#> [51] "read.delim"
#> [52] "limitedLabels"
#> [53] "is.relistable"
#> [54] "toLatex"
#> [55] "citFooter"
#> [56] "head.matrix"
#> [57] "View"
#> [58] "findMatches"
#> [59] ""
#> [60] "globalVariables"
#> [61] "vi"
#> [62] "bibentry"
#> [63] "checkCRAN"
#> [64] "Stangle"
#> [65] "methods"
#> [66] "sethash"
#> [67] "type.convert"
#> [68] "findLineNum"
#> [69] "menu"
#> [70] "?"
#> [71] "aspell_package_C_files"
#> [72] "old.packages"
#> [73] "hsearch_db_keywords"
#> [74] "RShowDoc"
#> [75] "browseURL"
#> [76] "debugcall"
#> [77] "is.hashtab"
#> [78] "gethash"
#> [79] "setTxtProgressBar"
#> [80] "tail"
#> [81] "emacs"
#> [82] "object.size"
#> [83] "RweaveTryStop"
#> [84] "undebugcall"
#> [85] "download.file"
#> [86] "loadhistory"
#> [87] "RweaveChunkPrefix"
#> [88] "summaryRprof"
#> [89] "make.socket"
#> [90] "xedit"
#> [91] "data"
#> [92] "charClass"
#> [93] "RtangleSetup"
#> [94] "browseEnv"
#> [95] "update.packages"
#> [96] "untar"
#> [97] "tail.matrix"
#> [98] "getS3method"
#> [99] "write.table"
#> [100] "strOptions"
#> [101] "rc.status"
#> [102] "asDateBuilt"
#> [103] "Rprofmem"
#> [104] "apropos"
#> [105] "getSrcDirectory"
#> [106] "as.relistable"
#> [107] "SweaveSyntaxNoweb"
#> [108] "SweaveSyntaxLatex"
#> [109] "citeNatbib"
#> [110] "read.fwf"
#> [111] "de.setup"
#> [112] "removeSource"
#> [113] "data.entry"
#> [114] "packageVersion"
#> [115] "as.personList"
#> [116] "citation"
#> [117] "citHeader"
#> [118] "read.fortran"
#> [119] "findCRANmirror"
#> [120] "aspell_package_R_files"
#> [121] "RtangleFinish"
#> [122] "hashtab"
#> [123] "rc.getOption"
#> [124] "RtangleWritedoc"
#> [125] "readCitationFile"
#> [126] "stack"
#> [127] "package.skeleton"
#> [128] "memory.size"
#> [129] "de.ncols"
#> [130] "file.edit"
#> [131] "sessionInfo"
#> [132] "SweaveSyntConv"
#> [133] "RweaveLatex"
#> [134] "help"
#> [135] "prompt"
#> [136] "getParseText"
#> [137] "osVersion"
#> [138] ""
#> [139] "getCRANmirrors"
#> [140] "head"
#> [141] "localeToCharset"
#> [142] "Rprof"
#> [143] "getParseData"
#> [144] "RweaveLatexSetup"
#> [145] "formatOL"
#> [146] "dump.frames"
#> [147] "read.table"
#> [148] "URLdecode"
#> [149] "numhash"
#> [150] "isS3method"
#> [151] "compareVersion"
#> [152] "count.fields"
#> [153] "tar"
#> [154] "setRepositories"
#> [155] "edit"
#> [156] "mirror2html"
#> [157] "relist"
#> [158] "chooseBioCmirror"
#> [159] "available.packages"
#> [160] "aspell_write_personal_dictionary_file"
#> [161] "getAnywhere"
#> [162] "hsearch_db"
#> [163] "personList"
#> [164] "fileSnapshot"
#> [165] "combn"
#> [166] "packageStatus"
#> [167] "read.socket"
#> [168] "find"
#> [169] "RweaveLatexOptions"
#> [170] "page"
#> [171] "write.csv"
#> [172] "dataentry"
#> [173] "getSrcFilename"
#> [174] "packageDescription"
#> [175] "file_test"
#> [176] "toBibtex"
#> [177] "browseVignettes"
#> [178] "setBreakpoint"
#> [179] "download.packages"
#> [180] "remove.packages"
#> [181] "RweaveLatexFinish"
#> [182] "chooseCRANmirror"
#> [183] "upgrade"
#> [184] "de"
#> [185] "formatUL"
#> [186] "de.restore"
#> [187] "promptPackage"
#> [188] "write.csv2"
#> [189] "Rtangle"
#> [190] "packageName"
#> [191] "glob2rx"
#> [192] "unstack"
#> [193] "read.DIF"
#> [194] "savehistory"
#> [195] "vignette"
#> [196] "install.packages"
#> [197] "argsAnywhere"
#> [198] ""
#> [199] "getSrcref"
#> [200] "makeRweaveLatexCodeRunner"
#> [201] "RweaveEvalWithOpt"
#> [202] "lsf.str"
#> [203] "select.list"
#> [204] "cite"
#> [205] "recover"
#> [206] "fix"
#> [207] "new.packages"
#> [208] "aspell_package_Rd_files"
#> [209] "str"
#> [210] "RtangleRuncode"
#> [211] ""
#> [212] "example"
#> [213] "warnErrList"
#> [214] "getSrcLocation"
#> [215] "flush.console"
#> [216] "maphash"
#> [217] "timestamp"
#> [218] "make.packages.html"
#> [219] "rc.options"
#> [220] "getFromNamespace"
#> [221] "clrhash"
#> [222] "adist"
#> [223] "contrib.url"
#> [224] "URLencode"
#> [225] "rc.settings"
#> [226] "help.start"
#> [227] "unzip"
#> [228] "pico"