This output is created by covrpage.


Coverage summary is created using the covr package.

Object Coverage (%)
slackteams 46.31
R/scope_managment.R 0.00
R/set_methods.R 0.00
R/utils.R 0.00
R/team_managment.R 11.83
R/get_methods.R 30.61
R/tidy_slack.R 36.84
R/file_managment.R 76.36
R/slackrapp.R 80.00
R/api_utils.R 100.00
R/api.R 100.00
R/clean.R 100.00
R/env.R 100.00
R/validate.R 100.00

Unit Tests

Unit Test summary is created using the testthat package.

file n time error failed skipped warning
test-api_calls.R 16 0.029 0 0 0 0
test-file_managment.R 16 0.385 0 0 0 0
Show Detailed Test Results
file context test status n time
test-api_calls.R API calls team info: class PASS 1 0.015
test-api_calls.R API calls team info: user names PASS 1 0.001
test-api_calls.R API calls group info: group list PASS 1 0.002
test-api_calls.R API calls group info: class PASS 1 0.001
test-api_calls.R API calls group info: no groups PASS 1 0.001
test-api_calls.R API calls channel info: class PASS 1 0.001
test-api_calls.R API calls channel info: channel names PASS 1 0.001
test-api_calls.R API calls channel info: channel info class PASS 1 0.000
test-api_calls.R API calls channel info: channel info id PASS 1 0.001
test-api_calls.R API calls converstion info: class PASS 1 0.000
test-api_calls.R API calls converstion info: convo id PASS 1 0.000
test-api_calls.R API calls converstion info: convo channel count PASS 1 0.001
test-api_calls.R API calls converstion info: convo im count PASS 1 0.002
test-api_calls.R API calls converstion info: convo members PASS 1 0.001
test-api_calls.R API calls converstion info: convo info class PASS 1 0.001
test-api_calls.R API calls converstion info: convo info id PASS 1 0.001
test-file_managment.R team management no active team: get_team_creds PASS 1 0.012
test-file_managment.R team management no active team: get_team_users PASS 1 0.009
test-file_managment.R team management no active team: validate team missing teams error PASS 1 0.009
test-file_managment.R team management load team: slackteams verbose PASS 1 0.002
test-file_managment.R team management load team: validate team bad name error PASS 1 0.008
test-file_managment.R team management load team: slackteams not verbose PASS 1 0.002
test-file_managment.R team management load team: activate team PASS 1 0.327
test-file_managment.R team management load team: slackteams to dcf PASS 1 0.004
test-file_managment.R team management load team: slackteams to dcf PASS 1 0.002
test-file_managment.R team management load team: get teams PASS 1 0.001
test-file_managment.R team management load team: cached slack creds channel PASS 1 0.000
test-file_managment.R team management load team: cached slack creds token PASS 1 0.001
test-file_managment.R team management active team channel info: validate channel PASS 1 0.000
test-file_managment.R team management active team channel info: class PASS 1 0.000
test-file_managment.R team management active team channel info: validate channel id PASS 1 0.001
test-file_managment.R team management active team channel info: validate bad channel PASS 1 0.007
Session Info
Field Value
Version R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
Platform x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running macOS Mojave 10.14.5
Language en_US
Timezone America/New_York
Package Version
testthat 2.3.2
covr 3.5.0
covrpage 0.0.70