use slick.js library in R
slideId = "baseDiv",
slideType = "img",
objLinks = NULL,
padding = 1,
width = "95%",
height = NULL,
elementId = NULL,
slickOpts = NULL,
synchSlides = NULL,
dotObj = NULL
character, vector of path or url to images
character, id of slide, Default: 'baseDiv'
character, type of object to put in slide, Default: 'img'
character, links to attach to images in slide, Default: NULL
numeric, percent of width between each image in the carousel for each slider, Default: 1
character, width of htmlwidget, Default: '95%'
character, height of htmlwidget, Default: NULL
character, id tag of htmlwidget, Default: NULL
slick.js is an image carousel javascript library.
To find all the attributes that can be used please refer to the link.
It is possible to stack slides through the %stack%
It is possible to synchronize slides through the %synch%
To replace the dots with icons use the settings to define the customPaging attribute with the appropriate JS(.) function call.
The slideType accepts the type of html DOM you want to be in the slide, eg img, iframe.
The combination of slideType = 'img-lazy' and settings(lazyLoad = 'ondemand') will inform the htmlwidget that the images are to be loaded lazily. For more information see the slickjs documentation.
Other invoke:
slick <- slickR(obj=nba_team_logo$uri)
# add dots to the first slick and autoplay at 1 second a slide
slick + settings(dots = TRUE, autoplay = TRUE, autoplaySpeed = 1000)
# working with multiple slicks
sets <- split(
sample(nba_team_logo$uri, size = 28, replace = FALSE),
slicks <- lapply(sets,FUN = function(x,...){
slickR(obj = x,...)
},height = 100)
# independent slicks
# 1,2 synch stacked on 3,4 synch
(slicks[[1]] %synch% slicks[[2]]) %stack% (slicks[[3]]%synch%slicks[[4]])