• Currently a graduate student at the Department of Statistics in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and research associate at Metrum Research Group. Previously worked as statistician in the Research Department of the Bank of Israel, Matrix and a consultant to the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.

  • Obtained a BA in Economics and Statistics and an MA in Statistics from HUJI (Supervised by Ya’acov Ritov). My masters thesis dissertation involved creating a nowcasting model for the Gross Domestic Product of Israel via regularized regression models during my time as a research student in the Bank of Israel.

  • Stats research interests include high dimensional regression problems, where there are more covariates than observations, and combining surveillance techniques with copulas to track long tailed events.

  • Right now heavily focused on R, but equally lingual in SAS (incl IML), Matlab, STATA, EViews, and VB.

  • Enjoy integrating different languages with R like JavaScript and C++, to improve workflows.