Let’s start easy: show the team logos one at a time

slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri,height = 100, width = "95%")

Let’s add dots with the settings function

slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri,height = 100, width = "95%") + 
  settings(dots = TRUE)

There are many more settings you can define, such as autoplay. For all the settings go to slick.js homepage

slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri,height = 100, width = "95%") + 
  settings(dots = TRUE, autoplay = TRUE)

Grouped Images

There are players on each team, so lets group the starting five together and have each dot correspond with a team:

opts <- settings(
  dots = TRUE,
  initialSlide = 0,
  slidesToShow = 5, 
  slidesToScroll = 5, 
  focusOnSelect = TRUE)

slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri,height = 100, width = "95%") + 

You can add links to each element in the slide using the objLinks parameter. The links are by default set to target = '_blank', so they will open a new window/tab on click.

slick_link <- slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri,
                objLinks = nba_player_logo$player_home,
                height = 100, width = "95%") 

slick_link + opts

Replacing the dots

Sometimes the dots won’t be informative enough so we can switch them with an HTML object, such as text or other images. We can pass to the customPaging argument javascript code using the htmlwidgets::JS function.

Replace dots with text

cP1 <- htmlwidgets::JS("function(slick,index) {
                            return '<a>'+(index+1)+'</a>';

opts_dot_number <- settings(
    initialSlide = 0,
    slidesToShow = 5,
    slidesToScroll = 5,
    focusOnSelect = TRUE,
    dots = TRUE,
    customPaging = cP1

slick_dots <- slickR(
  obj = nba_player_logo$uri,
  height = 100,
  width = "95%"

slick_dots + opts_dot_number

Replace dots with Images

cP2 <- JS("function(slick,index) {
          return '<a><img src= ' + dotObj[index] + '  width=100% height=100%></a>';

opts_dot_logo <- 
    initialSlide = 0,
    slidesToShow = 5,
    slidesToScroll = 5,
    focusOnSelect = TRUE,
    dots = TRUE,
    customPaging = cP2

# Putting it all together in one slickR call
s2 <- htmltools::tags$script(
  sprintf("var dotObj = %s", jsonlite::toJSON(nba_team_logo$uri))

slick_dots_logo <- slickR(
  obj = nba_player_logo$uri,
  height = 100,
  width = "95%"
) + opts_dot_logo

htmltools::browsable(htmltools::tagList(s2, slick_dots_logo))

Stacking Carousels

You can stack carousels one on top of the other with the %stack% operator

slick_up_stack <- slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri, height = 100, width = "95%")

slick_down_stack <- slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri, height = 100, width = "95%")

slick_up_stack %stack% slick_down_stack

Synching Carousels

There are instances when you have many outputs at once and do not want to go through all, so you can stack and synch two carousels one for viewing and one for searching with the %synch% operator.

slick_up_synch <- slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri, height = 100, width = "95%")

slick_down_synch <- slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri, height = 100, width = "95%")

slick_up_synch %synch% slick_down_synch

Adding a Caption to Image

You can add a caption to an image by synching two carousels, where the upper is the content (e.g. image) and the bottom is the caption (p)

slickR(obj = nba_player_logo$uri[1:2], height = 100, width = "95%") %synch%
( slickR(nba_player_logo$name[1:2], slideType = 'p') + settings(arrows = FALSE) )