

MYPROJECT <- '8514810'

attachments <- basecamper::basecamp_attachments(MYPROJECT)

Inspecting Attachments

Print method for attachment object lists the names of the files attached in the project


Summary method for an attachment object returns a tibble with information about the files: filename, when it was created, file size and the url to download it (which is most important)


Downloading Attachments

attach_summary <- summary(attachments)

(file_url  <- attach_summary$url[3])

td <- tempdir()

basecamp_download(file_url,destdir = td)

Downloaded file information

list.files(td,pattern = '.zip$')

fs::as_fs_bytes(,pattern = '.zip$',full.names = TRUE))[,'size'])

Unzip Archives

basecamper::unzip2 runs unzip from CLI which is more robust for files larger than 4gb which are truncated by utils::unzip

zipped_file <- list.files(td,pattern = '.zip$',full.names = TRUE)

basecamper::unzip2(directory = td,file = zipped_file)

Unzipped files information

zip_dir <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(list.files(td,pattern = '.zip$',full.names = TRUE))

unzipped_files <- fs::file_info(
  list.files(zip_dir,full.names = TRUE)

# clean up the path for printing
unzipped_files$path <- basename(unzipped_files$path)
