
(projs_sum <- summary(projs))
(proj_id <- projs_sum$id[grepl('MYPROJECT',projs_sum$name)])

proj_msgs <- basecamp_messages(scope = 'project',id = proj_id)

(proj_msgs_sum <- summary(proj_msgs))

(msg_id <- proj_msgs_sum$id[grepl('Project Log',proj_msgs_sum$title)])

View a message contents

Convert message from XML to an html file

msg_file <- proj_msgs%>%
  message_to_html(index = 1) # default a tempfile
cat(readLines(msg_file,warn = FALSE))

Creating a Comment

new_comment <- create_comment(scope = 'posts',id = msg_id)

Write the body for the comment

The body can be in two forms

  • Regular text
  • HTML
    • You can write in Markdown and convert it to HTML
    • You can render a Rmarkdown with an html_document output to read in the content
my_body <- 
'What happened in the meeting

1. We went over the schedule and the following tables were highlighted

  - Tables: 3.k, 3.m
  - Figures: 3.d

2. Clarification of SoW

  - In the logistic regressions the relevant subjects are week 6 responders
  - Missing baseline covariate values will be imputed by the population median

3. Data assembly for response data in IV trial was discussed.

  - Verified that the data we have in the archive is what they have internally

4. Report structure

  - After internal discussions they have decided that two reports are needed
    - Submission: AB trial
    - Publication: AB + CD trials

5. Timelines

  - Exposure simulations ETA 10/18
  - Initial ER results 10/31


Convert to HTML

my_body_html <- markdown::markdownToHTML(text = my_body,fragment.only = TRUE)

HTML output (Click to open)

Add the body to the new comment object


Send the Comment to the Message Thread
